
Another death agony ahead for struggling George as he is hit with trauma after trauma in EastEnders

George Knight is comforted by his daughter Anna in the kitchen at the Queen Vic living quarters in EastEnders
George’s family are behind him (Picture: BBC)

EastEnders’ George Knight (Colin Salmon) has been struggling following the death of his mum Gloria (Elizabeth Counsell) – and things look set to get worse.

Tonight’s (1st May) instalment saw the Knight/Carter clan rally round to think of a way to cheer him up.

However, after overhearing their conversation, George stormed out and daughter Anna (Molly Rainford) made it her mission to find out when the funeral was so that he could attend.

Later, she asked Johnny Carter (Charlie Suff) to help her find an opportunity to speak with her vile grandfather Eddie (Christopher Fairbank) about his plans for the ceremony.

Viewers of the BBC soap will remember that he received a life imprisonment for the racially motivated murder of George’s birth father Henry just minutes before Gloria suffered a heart attack, that would later prove fatal.

Anna Knight, Johnny Carter, Elaine Peacock, Gina Knight and Linda Carter sit in the Queen Vic living room in EastEnders planning to cheer George Knight up
The family gathered to think of a way to cheer George up (Picture: BBC)
George Knight looks taken aback in EastEnders
He was less than impressed (Picture: BBC)

On her death bed she made him promise that he wouldn’t allow her to be buried alongside her cruel husband.

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However, when he met up with his ‘dad’ in prison, Eddie asserted that as her next of kin, he didn’t want George to attend it.

Sadly, in upcoming scenes, news will reach Walford that the funeral has already gone ahead in his absence, leaving him devastated.

Anna and Gina (Francesca Henry) are forced to break the news, which results in him arranging yet another fight at the illegal boxing ring.

Johnny Carter and Anna Knight stand in the Queen Vic kitchen in EastEnders
Anna asked Johnny for help (Picture: BBC)
Elaine supports George, who feels dizzy while in the Square gardens in EastEnders
George will take a funny turn at the memorial (Picture: BBC)

The family suggest holding a memorial in the Square instead, but when the day arrives, George takes a dizzy spell from his injuries sustained the night before and is rushed to hospital.

In a further devastating blow, a CAT scan reveals that he has a brain condition linked to repeated blows to the head. The doctor then tells him that one more knock could potentially kill him.

Sadly, it’s clear that he has no intention of stopping the boxing, as he’s then seen calling Rufus (Ian Gain) to arrange another fight.

He tells ex-wife Cindy (Michelle Collins) what he intends to do but, taking action, she gives him an ultimatum.

If George enters the ring again, what consequences will it have?

Johnny, Linda, Anna và George ở EastEnders


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