
‘Back on top!’ cheer EastEnders fans as they’re left ‘screaming at the TV’ by epic The Six framing twist

Linda Carter was about to hand herself in to the police when Stacey Slater came to the rescue

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EASTENDERS fans have been left ‘screaming at the TV’ after an epic twist from The Six.

Things have not been looking good for the six women this past week after Sharon Watts was arrested for Keanu Taylor’s murder.

EastEnders fans have been left 'screaming at the TV' after an epic twist from The Six

EastEnders fans have been left ‘screaming at the TV’ after an epic twist from The Six
Stacey got the idea to frame Dean Wicks after witnessing his clash with Harvey Monroe

Stacey got the idea to frame Dean Wicks after witnessing his clash with Harvey Monroe
Linda Carter was planning to hand herself into the police to free Sharon Watts

Linda Carter was planning to hand herself into the police to free Sharon Watts

Johnny Carter has desperately been trying to get Sharon released, but in the mean time, Kathy Beale and Suki Panesar came up with a new plan.

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It consisted of them dobbing his mum Linda Carter in to the police with the meat thermometer as evidence if it looked like they were about to be arrested too.

When Johnny told his mum the plan, she was horrified and turned to booze yet again, but after a heart to heart with George Knight in the beer store, she realised she had to do the right thing.

It was Johnny’s turn to be left horrified when his mum told him she was going to hand herself in to the police so Sharon could be freed, and not put the other women through any more of the stress.

Linda summoned Kathy, Suki, Stacey Slater and Denise Fox to the pub where she told them her plan and she asked them to bring the meat thermometer to her so she could take it with her to the police.

However, before they had chance to get it, Stacey and Linda witnessed a heated exchange between Dean Wicks and Harvey Monroe outside the pub, after Harvey realised Dean had been tampering with daughter Jade’s medication.

As he walked away, a smug Dean said: “You can’t touch me, any of you….say what you like, none of it sticks.”

Harvey went on to rant at Stacey about the injustice of it all, saying: “Men like that, that’s what they do.

“They make people’s lives a living hell and then somehow they never seem to face the consequences, they just walk away scott free every time.”

As he ranted, Stacey sat quietly and looked around as she brooded on things, before spotting Kathy heading to the pub with the murder weapon.

She quickly ran over and had a word, before Kathy then headed into the pub and told Linda and Johnny there had been another change of plan.

The camera then cut to Stacey in Dean’s flat with the meat thermometer wrapped up and concealed inside her coat.

Stacey pretended she wanted to make peace with Dean before he left the Square for the sake of her friend Shabnam, who he shares daughter Jade with.

Back in the pub, a shocked Linda asked: “Setting up Dean?!”


But Kathy replied: “We’ve got to Linda, we’ve got to get this sorted once and for all.”

EastEnders fans were thrilled that the women had decided to frame Dean, who has been tormenting Linda about when he raped her since his return, as well as his mistreatment of Jade.

Taking to X – formerly Twitter – one wrote: “the ‘killer six’ blaming keanu’s death on dean? hell yeah!”

Another added: “THEY’RE GOING TO SET DEAN UP! YES! Stacey Slater – the queen of planting false evidence to get away with a crime!

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