
BBC EastEnders ‘reveals’ which character will bring down The Six – and it’s not Johnny

EastEnders fans have been predicting Nish Panesar, Johnny Carter or Dean Wicks could uncover the truth about The Six and their crimes, but now another character might uncover the truth

EastEnders may have teased another character will discover The Six's big secret on the BBC soap

EastEnders may have teased another character will discover The Six’s big secret on the BBC soap, but it’s not Nish Panesar or Dean Wicks.

Despite speculation over the missing murder weapon that could mean Nish, Dean or even Johnny Carter are about to take the women down, it seems someone else is close to the truth. Linda Carter’s son Johnny has convinced some viewers he might be out to get the women or even his own mum amid the recent Christmas murder.

But the latest episode of the BBC soap could indicate another character is suspicious of the group and what Linda might be hiding. It’s someone with links to The Vic too, where the murder weapon was being kept before it went missing.

As Walford rallied together to find missing Denise after concern for her wellbeing, one resident said something that rattled Linda. Of course Linda and five other residents know exactly what is going on with Denise, and what has led to her psychosis and mental health crisis.

An EastEnders character may uncover Linda's secret

An EastEnders character may uncover Linda’s secret 

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In December, Linda stabbed and killed Keanu Taylor by accident at The Vic after he tried to hurt Sharon Watts. Moments earlier, Denise feared she had turned killer after smashing a champagne bottle over Nish’s head, after he tried to flee with wife Suki Panesar, later admitting he planned to kill her.

Denise, Linda, Sharon and Suki were joined by Stacey Slater and Kathy Beale that night. The six women made a pact to conceal Keanu’s murder and what really happened to Nish, before they buried Keanu under the floor of the café.

They’ve all been struggling with what happened, almost letting slip so many times and Linda actually did confess. Her son Johnny is now in on the secret, while they have no idea who has taken the murder weapon from Linda’s bedroom.

But perhaps their lies will soon unravel, or maybe we now have hints as to who has the weapon used to kill Keanu. As Denise’s daughter Chelsea Fox entered the pub and pleaded for help in finding her mum, after Denise fled to the woods in a panic, several people got up to offer their assistance.

Cindy Beale immediately confronted Linda about Denise

Cindy Beale immediately confronted Linda about Denise 



Cindy Beale immediately confronted Linda about Denise spiralling, asking her what had happened to her or why she was struggling. A defensive Linda immediately fired back asking why she would be asking her that, to which Cindy claimed she thought they were close friends.

Linda’s face had guilt painted all over it before and after Cindy’s comments, and her reaction to the question only left Cindy more intrigued with her visibly suspicious of Linda’s behaviour. The fact she deemed Linda and Denise to be friends too, may she have cottoned on to the fact something is going on between them, and that they may be linked in some way?

Perhaps Cindy already knows what’s been going on, and given her daughters Anna and Gina live at The Vic with Linda might she have had access to the weapon? Maybe Cindy knows nothing all, but Linda’s reaction may definitely have given her a reason to start snooping.

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