
EastEnders confirms two disturbing murder twists as an exit rocks the Square in 55 pictures

With ultimatums dished out and suspicions aplenty, EastEnders lines up another unmissable week which you can sneak a peek of with Metro’s brand new picture gallery, offering 55 snaps of the action.

Don’t say I don’t look after you!

It’s Mother’s Day in the Square and, while Cindy Beale (Michelle Collins) is enjoying having so many of her children close to her on the special day, George Knight’s (Colin Salmon) thoughts are with his own mum.

That is, his biological mum, who he can’t find any trace of online, leaving him frustrated. Gloria (Elizabeth Counsell), meanwhile, struggles with the estrangement from George, as she reflects on Mother’s Days gone by and the cards her son made for her.

Eddie (Christopher Fairbanks) is on hand to make things even worse, ordering her to get in touch with George, who subsequently stops by the flat to give them a piece of his mind for getting in touch.

Evil Eddie, however, turns the tables with another bombshell, revealing that he’s got some information on George’s birth mother.

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George is taken aback but the bigger shock comes seconds later when racist Eddie states that he’ll only hand over such information if George gives him a character witness in court!

A sickening move from the criminal. The question is: will George do as Eddie has demanded? Or will he resist?

That remains to be seen but the patriarch soon vanishes, leaving his loved ones worried sick!

Elsewhere on the Square, there is panic for various members of The Six when Amy Mitchell (Ellie Dadd) and Ricky Branning (Frankie Day) reveal their desire to see Denise Fox (Diane Parish), who is still in hospital after she was sectioned last month.

EastEnders gallery w/c Monday March 11
With ultimatums and revelations aplenty, EastEnders packs the punches next week (Picture: BBC)

Johnny Carter (Charlie Suff) encourages Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner) to get to Denise before the kids – or worse, Jack (Scott Maslen) – so that she can talk her into staying shtum.

Stacey manages to secure a visit with Denise, who reveals that she’s no longer hallucinating Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters) but, despite this, she intends to stay put.

Jack, meanwhile, soon interrupts, demanding to know why Stacey is there!

Try talking your way out of this one, Stace!

Denise returns to our screens after she was sectioned a number of weeks ago (Picture: BBC)
She's refusing any visitors, leaving her loved ones concerned (Picture: BBC)
Amy and Ricky are upset as they weren't able to see Denise on Mother's Day (Picture: BBC)
Stacey receives an update from Jack as Johnny watches on - his interest piqued (Picture: BBC)
Vinny offers Suki some advice following the recent tension between she and Eve (Picture: BBC)
He encourages her to make amends (Picture: BBC)
Jean stops by Dean's flat to see Jade (Picture: BBC)
She's taken aback to learn that Jade is considering cancelling the charity auction (Picture: BBC)
Jean decides to offer her help - and Dean doesn't look too pleased about it! (Picture: BBC)
The rapist, as fans will know, has been messing with Jade's medication in scenes which recently hit screens (Picture: BBC)
Cindy gathers with Peter, Gina and Anna to celebrate her first Mother's Day with them together (Picture: BBC)
George, however, isn't in the celebrating mood as he continues to process recent revelations about Eddie (Picture: BBC)
Cindy is on hand to offer advice, believing it's time he told Anna and Gina the truth about his heritage (Picture: BBC)
George is somewhat distracted, having found out that there is no trace of his birth family online (Picture: BBC)
Elaine shares the same outlook as Cindy, believing George should confide in his daughters (Picture: BBC)
Gloria finds Mother's Day particularly tough (Picture: BBC)
She looks at old Mother's Day cards but Eddie is more interested in pushing her to get in touch with George (Picture: BBC)
Gloria does as her abusive husband tells her to, with George subsequently arriving at the flat (Picture: BBC)
The patriarch is about to leave when Eddie pipes in, turning the tables once again (Picture: BBC)
The racist reveals that he's got information about George's birth mother and that he'll only reveal it if the publican turns up to court as his character witness (Picture: BBC)
George is left with a big decision to make (Picture: BBC)
George isn't quite sure what to do following Eddie's big ultimatum (Picture: BBC)
Elaine offers her support but ultimately George must be the one to make the choice (Picture: BBC)
Johnny is asked by Elaine to dish out the legal implications of lying in court for Eddie (Picture: BBC)
The lawyer heads to the gym to do as Elaine has asked (Picture: BBC)
But will Johnny's words of wisdom result in George coming to a decision? (Picture: BBC)
The court case is soon set to commence as Eddie and Gloria arrive (Picture: BBC)
They're both on tenterhooks, wondering if George will show up (Picture: BBC)
It's touch and go for a bit, with the reality of the situation setting in for Eddie (Picture: BBC)
But things soon take an unexpected turn (Picture: BBC)
George arrives at the court house, but will he do as Eddie demands?  (Picture: BBC)
A woman names Angela arrives at court but just who is she? (Picture: BBC)
Jack gives Stacey another update on Denise (Picture: BBC)
Johnny watches from afar, keen to know all there is to know (Picture: BBC)
The lawyer steps in, putting pressure on Stacey to find a way to see Denise - before Jack gets to her first! (Picture: BBC)
Stacey manages to convince her way into seeing Denise (Picture: BBC)
Denise is taken aback to see love rival Stacey (Picture: BBC)
Denise reveals that she's no longer seeing Keanu but, despite this, she intends to stay put (Picture: BBC)
Can Stacey convince her to keep quiet? (Picture: BBC)
Jack and Chelsea argue over Denise and her refusal to see anyone (Picture: BBC)
The copper soon takes Chelsea's advice and works out a way to see his wife (Picture: BBC)
With the court appearance having proven eventful, George returns home and updates Elaine (Picture: BBC)
But just what has gone on? (Picture: BBC)
A family meeting ensues at the Vic as everyone grows concerned about George (Picture: BBC)
Jack arrives at the hospital and gets a huge shock (Picture: BBC)
He finds out about Stacey's visit and wants to know more on the subject (Picture: BBC)
The visit proves upsetting for Denise, with Jack returning home to fill Chelsea in (Picture: BBC)
Denise, meanwhile, tells the doctor that she wants to stay a while longer (Picture: BBC)
Yolande is taken aback when Agatha reveals that people are talking about her friendship with the pastor (Picture: BBC)
She expected better of everyone than to start such gossip (Picture: BBC)
Cheslea manages to secure a visit with Denise and the duo share a much-needed hug (Picture: BBC)
The mother and daughter pair share a heart-to-heart (Picture: BBC)
But will Chelsea get to the bottom of what caused Denise's breakdown? (Picture: BBC)
Gina arrives at the Boxing Den in search of George, who has gone missing (Picture: BBC)
But does Phil know more than he's letting on? (Picture: BBC)

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