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EastEnders fans slam Father’s Day post celebrating rapist character who almost killed daughter

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EastEnders fans have questioned their use of some unusual – and quite problematic dads in their annual Father’s Day social media post.

The series of pictures, which features some of Albert Square’s most beloved males, was posted across Facebook, Instagram and X yesterday (16th June).

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Some of those included were Martin Fowler (James Bye), Alfie Moon (Shane Richie) and Peter Beale (Thomas Law).

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However, lurking amongst the faces were some of the show’s most controversial father figures – Dean Wicks (Matt Di Angelo), Nish Panesar (Navin Chowdhry) and Stevie Mitchell (Alan Ford).

Dean is currently locked up after being framed for the murder of Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters) – but he isn’t entirely innocent. Prior to his time spent at His Majesty’s Pleasure, he deprived teenage daughter Jade (Elizabeth Green) of her cystic fibrosis medication in an attempt to make her dependant on him.

Dean Wicks with his arm around Jade Masood while sat on the sofa in EastEnders
Dean probably shouldn’t have been included (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)
Ravi, Nish, Nugget and Vinny stroll through the market in EastEnders
Nish has emotionally and physically abused his family for years (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

Many years ago he raped sister-in-law Linda Carter (Kellie Bright), so definitely not the sort of man that should be celebrated!

Nish recently returned to Walford and announced to his children that he was dying, which came as quite a shock given the years of emotional and physical abuse he put his family through.

Stevie arrived into the BBC One soap earlier this year as the estranged dad of Billy Mitchell (Perry Fenwick).

The show’s backstory explained that he was abandoned in a children’s home as a child, leaving him vulnerable to years of physical abuse. He’s also set to unveil a secret family…

Patrick Trueman (Rudolph Walker) was similarly cut off from his sons for many years, only for a DNA test to reveal that Paul (Gary Beadle) was actually fathered by his best mate.

Another name in the mix was Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden), who hasn’t had the smoothest relationship with his ‘faaaamily’ over the years. That’s probably worthy of an article in itself.

The strange choices were quickly picked up on by fans, with one saying: ‘This is such a weird line up, they may as well have put Tony King or Archie Mitchell in there.’

Another posted: ‘Why is Dean part of it? He tried to kill his daughter and he stole from her charity. Not exactly “dad goals”, is it?’

Phil plays football with Albie in Albert Square in EastEnders

Phil will try to bond with Albie in upcoming scenes (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)
One viewer added, sarcastically: ‘Some great dads in here, Ricky, Nish, Dean. People to look up to.’

Whilst the criticism should be noted, it could also be stated that the genre (which relies on high drama and conflict to keep the wheels turning) doesn’t lend itself very well to portraying any parent in a positive light.

Perhaps its high time for the show – now in its fortieth year – started introducing more inspiring male role-models.

hình thu nhỏ cho bài đăng ID 21047426

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