
EastEnders favourite rushed to hospital as Maya is exposed in 42 pictures

EastEnders solves the mystery that we’ve all wracked our brains over next week, as confirmed in my brand new spoiler pictures, while another resident is rushed to hospital.

The mystery I’m referring to is, of course, that of Maya (Bharti Patel) and her real motive for coming to the Square – particularly what she’s up to where Harvey Monroe (Ross Boatman) is concerned.

Next week, Harvey makes an excuse to get out of a romantic meal with Jean Slater (Gillian Wright) after he receives a message from a distressed Maya, who claims that she’s selling her home to pay her debts.

Harvey is shocked and is quick to offer support but the twisted tale takes quite a turn when mysterious Maya drops a letter with an address on it – and her house is not in the area of London that she claimed it was.

Without wasting a second, curious Harvey heads to the address in question, where hears a crash – and comes face-to-face with a distressed man.

The questions are: just who is Maya? And what is she hiding?

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Elsewhere on the Square, Nugget’s (Juhaim Rasul Choudhury) behaviour is a cause for concern, with Denzel Danes (Jaden Ladega) urging him to get a handle on his temper before people get suss about the steroids.

But Denzel is a no-show to the tournament at the Boxing Den and thus Nugget heads off in search of him – but he falls ill and collapses at the playground before being rushed to hospital.

EastEnders picture showing Kat, Ravi, Priya, Maya, Billy, Honey and Nish, all in front of The Queen Vic
With a shock secret exposed and a resident rushed to hospital, EastEnders is yet again must-see TV next week (Picture: BBC / Jack Barnes / Kieron McCarron)

The doctors confirm to horrified parents Ravi Gulati (Aaron Thiara) and Priya Nandra-Hart (Sophie Khan Levy) that Nugget has been taking steroids, but will he pull through?

And finally Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean) might be about to find herself embroiled in the middle of a new love triangle after new Mitchell man Teddy (Roland Manookian) flirts with her.

Watch out Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden), you’ve got competition!

EastEnders airs these scenes between Monday, July 1 and Thursday July 4 at 7:30pm on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.

Priya wants a chat with Nish (Picture: BBC)
Avani watches from afar (Picture: BBC)
Priya is determined to do whatever she can to ensure her family are well looked after once Nish is dead (Picture: BBC)
Nish, despite his initial reservations, agrees to Priya's deal - but just what exactly is this deal? (Picture: BBC)
Harvey goes to see Maya, despite promising Jean a date night (Picture: BBC)
Freddie spots Harvey and Maya together and believes he's cheating on Jean (Picture: BBC)
He informs Jean about what he saw (Picture: BBC)
Jean is taken aback by Freddie's revelation (Picture: BBC)
She fears Harvey has been cheating on her (Picture: BBC)
At McKlunkeys, Maya confides in Harvey about what she's going through (Picture: BBC)
Harvey is shocked to learn that she's selling her home to pay off her debts (Picture: BBC)
Maya drops a letter, which includes a different address, leaving Harvey puzzled (Picture: BBC)
Kat, meanwhile, confronts Harvey over Maya (Picture: BBC)
Will he be forced to explain himself? Or will he be too focused on why Maya has lied to him? (Picture: BBC)
Nugget collapses in the playground (Picture: BBC)
Ravi is devastated and checks to see if his son is still breathing (Picture: BBC)
Vinny phones for an ambulance (Picture: BBC)
The doctors quiz Ravi, who is forced to share Zack's theory about Nugget using steroids (Picture: BBC)
Priya heads for the hospital as she and Ravi clash (Picture: BBC)
But soon the ice thaws and Priya breaks down in Ravi's arms, fearing the worst (Picture: BBC)
Armed with advice from Teddy, Billy reaches out to son Will, hoping to make amends (Picture: BBC)
Will listens to his dad as the two have an honest conversation (Picture: BBC)
The father and son duo share a hug (Picture: BBC)
Ravi and Priya receive confirmation from the doctors that Nugget was using steroids (Picture: BBC)
Ravi is horrified and makes it his mission to find out who supplied his son with steroids (Picture: BBC)
Nugget regains consciousness (Picture: BBC)
Priya, Ravi and Suki want answers from him about the steroids (Picture: BBC)
The police arrive at the hospital to investigate (Picture: BBC)
Priya and Ravi are unimpressed by their arrival (Picture: BBC)
The detective is keen to speak to Nugget (Picture: BBC)
Nugget, however, refuses to reveal where - or who - he got the steroids from (Picture: BBC)
Ravi confides in Phil and Zack, hoping for their help (Picture: BBC)
The reality of the situation hits home for Ravi (Picture: BBC)
Zack is there to support him (Picture: BBC)
Despite Priya's concern for her son, dangerous Nish reminds her of the deal she made (Picture: BBC)
Priya explains that she wants to prioritise her son (Picture: BBC)
Nish, however, makes it quite clear that they must stick to what she agreed (Picture: BBC)
Sharon has a bone to pick with Teddy, who flirts with her. Is there another Mitchell love triangle brewing? (Picture: BBC)
Jean prepares herself as Harvey gets ready to confess (Picture: BBC)
Harvey spills the beans about Maya (Picture: BBC)
Jean is taken aback, having believed that he was going to confess to having an affair (Picture: BBC)
Will Nugget be okay? And will he reveal Denzel's role in what has transpired? (Picture: BBC)

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