
EastEnders George Knight makes shock discovery about his birth family – Is the woman George’s birth mum?

THE former boxing pro has spotted a mystery woman hanging around

GEORGE Knight has made a shock discovery about his birth family in tonight’s EastEnders.

The Queen Vic landlord – who is played by actor Colin Salmon in the BBC soap – was being blackmailed by his adopted dad Eddie to give a character witness in return for details on his birth mum.

George Knight has made a shock discovery tonight

George Knight has made a shock discovery tonight

Is the woman George's birth mum?

Is the woman George’s birth mum?

But in tonight’s episode former boxing pro George fought back against his racist dad and exposed him in court.

He said: “I’m George Knight, Eddie Knight’s son. My dad is one of the reasons I am the man I am today.

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“His support and love… he didn’t have any for me because Eddie Knight is a racist who made my life hell.

“I’m stood here, lying because he’s blackmailing me so I can find out about my real mum.

“But I’m not going to lie because I’ve lived a lie. And I hope Eddie Knight rots in hell for what he did to my…”

But as George spoke he noticed an older black woman sitting in the gallery.

When she noticed him looking she got up and rushed out but George is in no doubt about who she is.

He confronted Eddie outside the court and the vile racist admitted he lied, insisting he didn’t have any information about his birth mum.

But once they left George revealed it didn’t matter because he’s sure he knows who his mother is – the woman from court.

He told Elaine: “My mum was in court today Laney, I’m sure of it. I didn’t get a chance to meet her.”

Who is the mystery woman really? Tomorrow night she will arrive at the Vic and explain all.


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