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My adoption story doesn’t feature murder but I relate to EastEnders’ George Knight

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George and Gloria Knight in EastEnders
George Knight (Colin Salmon) and Gloria Knight (Elizabeth Counsell) in EastEnders dramatic adoption storyline (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

DNA results, deception, and a murder trial.

This year’s most gripping EastEnders storyline follows George Knight’s (Colin Salmon) discoveries about his heritage and how he was adopted.

My own tale may not be as dramatic, but George’s experience has really struck a chord.

I, too, am a mixed-race, inter-country adoptee – and like George, this has also left me with questions about my identity.

I am now 33 years old and live in the UK but I was born in Dallas, Texas, in 1990. I was adopted a year later by Jenny and John, who are English.

My ethnicity (mixed Black and white) was never an issue for my adoptive parents, and I grew up in a loving and supportive household.

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James wearing dark sunglasses and a dark stetson
James went to the USA in 2023 to meet his biological family (Picture: James Mattick)
An older man standing on a beach next to an older woman who is pointing into the distance
Jenny and John, James’ adoptive parents (Picture: James Mattick)

When Jenny and John flew me back from the USA to England, they made it a habit to talk to me from a very young age about where I had come from. They also created a beautiful scrapbook of cartoons and photos explaining my journey.

Plus, I had access to my adoption file. There were no traumatising moments or confrontations like George Knight has gone through with his adoptive parents Gloria (Elizabeth Counsell) and Eddie (Christopher Fairbank).

Yet I, too, started to become curious about my heritage, ethnicity and birth family.

This first happened when I was a teenager. Although I felt settled, I had a desire to look into the eyes of relatives that looked a little like me. Perhaps they had curly hair, or a slightly dark skin tone, such as mine.

Eddie speaking to George and Anna in The Vic in EastEnders
George’s storyline with his adoptive father Eddie has been an explosive EastEnders storyline (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

Then in 2017, when I was 26, I came across a DNA test that provided an ethnicity estimate and it turned out I was 54% European and 44% African.

It made me feel complete to get a gist of which parts of the world my ethnicity hailed from. This answered a core question for me.

Otherwise, life carried on and I didn’t look into it further.

The subject of my birth family didn’t come again until a year later. I was in Berlin with my wife for New Year’s Eve and received a message from a man called Spencer, based in Virginia, USA, via the DNA test portal.

After lots of back and forth, it transpired that we were distant cousins. I explained my story, and Spencer helped me track down my paternal biological relatives, as well as my biological mother (my birth parents had been apart since the early 90s).

It was all very emotionally overwhelming. I grew up as an only child – but suddenly I found out that I had a half-brother and two half-sisters (sharing the same mother).

As an adopted person, the topic of finding and meeting birth family is often deeply private, and fraught with guilt and uncertainty.

I wrestled with questions such as ‘am I betraying my adoptive parents?’ and ‘will I find out something shocking that I would rather not know?’

But talking to my half-siblings over video call was amazing, as was seeing our shared physical resemblance, from our similar skin tones to the curliness of our hair and the shape of our faces.

My American birth family were very keen to meet me and I was excited, too – and in fact my adoptive parents seemed even more excited than me!

Two men standing side by side in front of a lake view
James and his biological father (Picture: James Mattick)

They had supported the idea of me meeting my family since the moment I’d been contacted by Spencer, and they were thrilled for me.

I eventually booked flights for the spring of 2020, but then the Covid-19 pandemic hit and sadly put everything on hold.

During that period, the elation of discovery faded a little. Some of the buried trauma of how I came to be reared its head.

My relationship with my birth mother collapsed, while trying to connect emotionally with my birth father was tough at times.

Over the years, I reduced contact with both sides of my birth family, except for my birth father’s sister – my aunt – Wendy. I wish every adoptee in this world had a supportive and loving person such as Wendy.

Two men and a woman stand on the shoreline smiling at the camera
James spent time with his biological family (Picture: James Mattick)

She convinced me to re-engage with my heritage and smoothed the way for me to finally meet both sides of my family in the USA in October of 2023.

Meeting my paternal grandmother and grandfather, my aunts, uncles and birth father was – aside from my wedding day – the most emotional time of my life.

My grandparents drove me to my brother’s place of work to surprise him (he is a salesperson just like me), which was a beautiful moment.

And the party they threw me for my 33rd birthday was the day that I felt truly connected to my broader identity. Surrounded by birth relatives – including my half-siblings – there was no Black, no white, no mixed-race. Only family. To this day, I treasure this.

It is refreshing to see a story such as George Knight’s as he grapples with the often-complex subject of mixed adoption.

I would hope that prospective adoptive parents – and the wider public – come to see that ‘adoption’ is not a dirty word, or a secret that needs to be hidden away.

In contrast to Eddie and Gloria, my adoptive parents’ transparency is the best course of action. Where possible, the act of normalising adoption through making a baby or child aware from a very early age is, I believe, fundamental for a healthy upbringing.

EastEnders George Knight and Gloria in the Queen Vic
George has grappled with his identity (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

Knowing that I am both a mixed-race American with African heritage and British has allowed me to start making sense of my broader identity, and most importantly, enabled me to embrace who I am.

Whether that’s by working on family history with my paternal grandmother, talking to my half siblings, or being supported by my adoptive parents, I appreciate all facets of my identity.

And I know that I’m connected. And loved.

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