
New cheating scandal ‘revealed’ as Harvey set to break Jean’s heart in EastEnders

Maya Houssain chats with Harvey Monroe at the Bridge Street Market in EastEnders
A new face arrives in Harvey’s life (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

Harvey Monroe (Ross Boatman) is to make a new pal in EastEnders next week – but Jean Slater (Gillian Wright) is jealous of their friendship.

We reported earlier this week that former Doctors actress Bharti Patel was joining the BBC One soap as new character Maya Houssain.

In recent months, we’ve seen Harvey come to blows with evil Dean Wicks (Matt Di Angelo) when he accused Jean of meddling with his daughter Jade’s (Elizabeth Green) medication.

Jean was completely innocent, and feeling she had nowhere left to turn, fled Walford to stay with her family for a few weeks.

Dean then targeted Harvey in a public smear campaign, which infuriated Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner), and she went on to frame Dean for the murder of Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters).

Dean and Harvey in EastEnders
Harvey clashed with Dean (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)
Dean talking to Jean and Harvey, who are carrying heavy bags and boxes, in the Square in EastEnders
Jean encourages Harvey to make new friends (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

In upcoming scenes, Jean reflects on Harvey’s loneliness, noticing that he’s got few friends in Albert Square since his two best mates Mitch Baker (Roger Griffiths) and Rocky Cotton (Brian Conley) left.

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On Bridge Street, he accidentally bumps into Maya and agrees to take her cab fare – and the two instantly hit it off!

Maya chats with Harvey in the market in EastEnders
Maya proves to be just the ticket! (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)
Why? Because they both support Tottenham Hotspurs.

Later, Martin (James Bye) agrees to meet Harvey for a pint, but has to abandon their plans when Zack (James Farrar) breaks down over Whitney’s (Shona McGarty) exit. Luckily, Maya arrives, and things look up.

Bringing a vintage football programme along with her, the two wax lyrical about the beautiful game and Harvey is more than happy to introduce Maya to Jean.

Whilst polite, she has her suspicions over their relationship and leaves them to join an equally as curious Kat (Jessie Wallace).

Should Jean be worried that their friendship will go to far?

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