
Phil set to uncover the explosive truth about Keanu’s murder in EastEnders

The Six in EastEnders with Phil Mitchell stood behind them
The Six’s secret is on the brink of exposure (Picture: BBC/Metro.co.uk)

Keanu Taylor’s (Danny Walters) murder is on the brink of exposure in EastEnders – and this time it’s Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) learning the truth behind The Six’s plot.

So far, Walford’s leading ladies; Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean), Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner), Suki Panesar (Balvinder Sopal), Linda Carter (Kellie Bright), Dennis Fox (Diane Parish) and Kathy Cotton (Gillian Taylforth) have managed to keep their big secret… almost, under wraps.

Linda’s son Johnny (Charlie Suff) was the first to find out, followed by Denise’s civil partner Jack (Scott Maslen) following her breakdown.

However, next week, it’s Phil’s turn to raise an eyebrow…

With the residents’ Father’s Day celebrations in full swing, the resident hard man is feeling lonely with son Ben (Max Bowden) locked up in the States and daughter Louise living in Portugal.

Sharon and Phil talk in EastEnders
Phil asks Sharon if he can spend time with Albie (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)
Phil plays football with Albie in Albert Square in EastEnders
The two really seem to bond (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

To make matters worse, Denise takes their son Raymond away for the day, and Callum (Tony Clay) fails to invite him to a video call with Ben.

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Full of emotion, he heads to No. 43 to speak with Sharon about having access to Albie. Initially reluctant, she’s pleased when the two seem to bond over a game of footy in the Square.

Understanding how hurt he is over being missed out of the video call plans, Sharon urges Callum to ask Phil to join them but is dismayed when Callum starts to ask questions about Keanu, and Dean Wicks (Matt Di Angelo), who was framed for the murder.

Phil and Denise chat in Albert Square in EastEnders
Denise has other plans for Raymond (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)
Phil and Callum talk in the centre of Albert Square in EastEnders
Callum reckons something is up… (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

Phil also has his own suspicions after noticing a strange text from Linda on her phone, and demands to know the truth. Elsewhere, a comment from Linda is enough to convince Callum that something is fishy.

At No. 55, the two men discuss Phil’s earlier conversation with Sharon and resolve to get to the truth.

Johnny tries to talk to Callum in EastEnders

Johnny tries to throw Callum off the scent (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

With Sharon adamant that there’s nothing to tell, Phil uses underhand tactics and decides to ask Linda upfront – but is stopped in his tracks by her.

Elsewhere, Callum announces that he’s speaking with detectives who investigated the case and The Six, plus Johnny and Jack, are forced to plot their next move to keep him off the scent.

Jack uses his professional expertise to try and deter him, but Johnny becomes convinced it isn’t enough and puts the wheels in motion to use Ben’s absence as a way to convince him otherwise.

Is everything about to unravel?

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