
She’s at it already! Bianca violently attacks EastEnders favourites in explosive return scenes

Bianca points her finger at Lauren in EastEnders
Don’t mess with Bianca! (Picture: BBC)

New EastEnders pictures have revealed the moment Bianca Jackson (Patsy Palmer) lashes out at Lauren Branning (Jacqueline Jossa) and Zack Hudson (James Farrar).

She is of course reacting to the revelation that the two slept together in Thursday’s (25th April) episode.

Zack had fallen out with his girlfriend Whitney (Shona McGarty) after learning she’d paid Keeley Wainwright (Kirsty J Curtis) a sum of money in exchange for her daughter Britney (Lola Campbell).

Whit had managed to keep it quiet, but Lauren was insistent that she told the truth.

But she didn’t have to!

Zack falls over after being hit by Bianca as Lauren watches on in EastEnders
Zack goes flying! (Picture: BBC)
Lauren and Zack watch on as Bianca fumes at them in Albert Square in EastEnders
Lauren and Zack are left cradling their faces! (Picture: BBC)

After learning her new ‘foster mum’ had meddled in her school life, Britney arrived home and informed Zack of the deal she’d made with Keeley, and a huge row broke out.

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Heading to Peggy’s to drown his sorrows, Lauren caught up with him and the two had a heart to heart.

But it seemed that they both knew that their chat would lead to them making a regretful decision after he attempted to kiss her last month.

Out in the street, they bought some chips from Beale’s Plaice and planned to get the night bus into the city – but their plans were delayed by yet another cheeky kiss in a side alley.

In upcoming scenes, Bianca looks set to cause a huge scene in the middle of the Square, with a punch that sends Zack flying!

Never mess with a Jackson.

Lauren is stood cradling her face too, so we don’t reckon she got off unscathed.

The storyline is facilitating actress Shona McGarty’s exit after fifteen years, and will play out in the coming weeks.

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