
Who took the murder weapon in EastEnders? All possibilities revealed

Linda, Johnny, Dean and Kathy in front of the Queen Vic under a stormy sky in EastEnders
Who has the murder weapon? (Picture: BBC)

A huge twist in Monday (February 19) night’s EastEnders episode revealed that the Christmas murder weapon has gone missing, leaving just one question on everyone’s lips – Who has it?

When Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters) began to strangle Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean) on Christmas Day, Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) grabbed the first thing she could and stabbed him in the back.

Following the murder, she took the weapon – a meat thermometer – upstairs and hid it underneath her bed, much to the horror of the other women, who discovered it was still there a few days later and demanded she get rid of it.

After finally breaking down and revealing everything to son Johnny Carter (Charlie Suff), Linda revealed that she still hadn’t moved the murder weapon, leaving Johnny horrified.

He insisted that they would get rid of it that night, before storming into her bedroom to get it. When he emerged, he demanded that she summon The Six to the barrel store.

Though they were furious that Johnny was now in on the secret, things only got worse when he revealed that the weapon was gone, and reasoned that one of the other five women must have it.

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However, EastEnders fans were quick to take to social media to suggest that maybe Johnny’s assumption wasn’t right, sharing countless different theories as to whose hands the weapon may have fallen into…

So, without further ado, here is our list of every possible suspect.

Johnny Carter

Johnny standing outside the Minute Mart in EastEnders
Could Johnny be lying? (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

Johnny’s sole aim since returning to Albert Square has been to protect Linda.

When he first arrived, he believed that Dean Wicks’ (Matt Di Angelo) return to Walford was the root of her relapse, and was determined to find a way to get rid of him for good – promising that he would leave the Square in the back of either an ambulance or a police car.

Now, many fans have been speculating that Johnny may actually have kept the murder weapon, with the aim of planting it on Dean and framing him for Keanu’s murder.

While this is a dangerous tactic, Johnny knows the law well, having studied it at undergraduate level, and just might have it in him to get away with it.

We also can’t imagine any of the women objecting to a plan to get rid of Dean – especially if it gets them off the hook in the process.

Dean Wicks

Dean stood in his kitchen in EastEnders
Does Dean know everything? (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

Having been so caught up in the action of the Christmas Day episode that saw Keanu lose his life, we almost forgot that Dean was sneaking around upstairs in the Queen Vic just before all the drama unfolded… Almost.

While immediately after the episode we assumed this was just a red herring to make us think he would be the body on the floor, we’re now wondering if there was more to it – especially given that we never saw him leave.

Could he have been sneaking around upstairs the entire time and actually know exactly what happened?

Though Dean hasn’t hinted that he has any knowledge of what went down in the Vic, it could be possible that he is biding his time and plans to reveal all at a moment that would cause the most damage to everyone involved.

Nish Panesar

Nish looking serious in EastEnders
Is Nish biding his time? (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

After being attacked by Denise Fox (Diane Parish) on Christmas Day, Nish Panesar (Navin Chowdhry) has been determined to get to the bottom of what really happened.

While the women have stuck to their story that Keanu attacked Nish and did a runner after holding them all at knifepoint, Nish swears blind that Keanu wasn’t there, and that the women have been conspiring against him.

In a bid to get to the truth, we saw him sneak into the Queen Vic to question Linda several weeks ago – but did he go straight to the living room?

Having made it upstairs to her undetected, there is every possibility that he could have been sneaking around and found the murder weapon before talking to her.

In upcoming scenes, Nish is set to contact the police again to talk about the events of Christmas Day, despite having promised Suki Panesar (Balvinder Sopal) that he would drop it.

Could his sudden change of heart be because he has the murder weapon tucked away to use against them?

Sharon Watts

Sharon looking out thoughtfully in front of the Queen Vic in EastEnders
Has Sharon taken the weapon to Australia? (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

Sharon obviously hasn’t been in Walford for a number of weeks, but we have no idea how long the weapon has been missing.

Being Linda’s best friend, we’re sure that if Sharon wandered into the Vic and said she was going upstairs, the rest of the Carter and Knight family wouldn’t think much of it.

With how stressed everyone was about Linda keeping hold of the weapon, could Sharon have taken matters into her own hands and taken the weapon herself.

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